Saturday, 2 January 2016

Oh What A Night

So yesterday I posted my 2016 day 1 happy post but I promised photo highlights so I thought I would post a few today.  I have said that this new year has been amazing. I would even say the best new years celebration I have ever had. I think this is mainly because I hosted it at my house and I loved our fancy night in were I was in control of my drinks, the shared cocktail and the music playlist (which I have said is very important to me.)

First of all whenever I host a party or go on a night out I always take lots of selfies. The more I drink the more vain I get (ashamed to say.) These are just a few of the shameful selfies from the last night of last year :). And I have to say in the last one I was in proper photoshoot mode draping my dress to make it look awsome in the pictures lol. This is how I party haha.

Ok but there was other people at my party and they had fun too taking many selfies with me also :). These are my good friends and my big sis who is like my best friend too :D!!

One hghlight of my night was seeing the kindly left selfies on my phone by my best friend. When I next looked at my phone it was filled with phone ambush selfies for which I decided I had to make her an album on my facebook called "The Hall of Selfies" which is full of 21 selfies of my bff from our New Years Eve party.

So we had a good night saying goodbye to 2015 and welcoming in 2016. There was some funny times playing silly games, some crazy dancing and great company.  I hope for many more nights like this in 2016.

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