Thursday, 21 January 2016

100 days of happy. Day 21

I got a very happy blast from the past today when I went to watch Hairspray, with the guides, such a good film. The first time it was out i was a teenager and went to see it three times. The second and third time we practically had a party in the cinema dancing and singing along. Such a good memory and I made new Hairspray memories today. I also think I proved I can be a great and responsible guide leader as I was kind of put in charge and did amazing at it (meaning I didnt loose any of them haha.)

My song for today is from Hairspray "You can't stop the beat." It has to be my favourate song from the film and I am still singing it to myself now. This song always cheers me up and makes me dance like a mad woman. Loving life!!

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