Monday, 4 January 2016

100 days of happy. Day 4

I made it through my first day back at work (as a teaching assistant in a primary school on the Wirral) and it was a good day. First day with the new teacher and our team are working together really well, always a plus :). It was great to see all the children again and watch them come into school with massive smiles on their faces. Their all still smiling because they are only in year one... I joke of course haha. They all has lots of news about their holidays to tell me and they all tried to share at the same time, such fun. It has been nice to see everyone after two weeks and wish them all a happy new year. 

After school I have been stressing a bit about money issues and too much house work. But I am trying to chill now with my mum and we are watching Micheal McIntyre's Big Christmas Show (bit late but it's a good giggle and still available to watch on BBC IPlayer.) It has cheered me right up :). 

So I have had a bit of a  roller coaster day and finding a happy song has been hard. I have picked one that I like because of the strong message in the title "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. This song cheers me up the rhythm of it is great and the lyrics near the end "Dont stop believing, hold on to that feeling" are very powerful and uplifting words to hear and sing. 

Now I'm of to get an early (ish) night and see if I will feel fresh and new tomorrow. Night all. 

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