Tuesday, 19 January 2016

100 days of happy. Day 19

I had a great night at the guide group I help with tonight. The guides were all very excited to plan a Easter play idea I had and they all got involved making props and giving me lots of great ideas. I am so glad they are on-board with this idea and I think I will have a lot of fun creating this play with them.

Todays song I have chosen because I have been noticing how those around me and often myself are hard on ourselves over small failures or mistakes. These so called mistakes often aren't as bad as we think but we make it feel massive and let it bring us down. The song is "Don't be so hard on yourself" by Jess Glynne. These lyrics really speak to me and describe the bad habbit my friends and me need to get out of:

"Don't be so hard on yourself, no
Learn to forgive, learn to let go
Everyone trips, everyone falls
So don't be so hard on yourself, no..."

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