Sunday, 3 January 2016

100 days of happy. Day 3

Todays happy thing is spending time with those close to me. Wonderfully I have hardly been alone all day. First saw my best friend and her family when we went to watch another great panto in Liverpool. I know, I know I have seen like 20 pantos now (theres no business like show business.) After the panto I had tea with my mum and we had a nice chat and she gave me some good advice. Then as I write this I am watching netflix and chilling with my boyfriend and enjoying my last night before work starts again tomorrow. What more can a girl ask for than good company :).

My song for today may not seem overly happy but it has helped me with an issue I faced today. As most couples do me and my boyfriend sometimes fight, disagree on certain things or even just have misunderstands that become bigger than they should be. But we realise after we talk it through and sort it all out that in the end we love each other and we want to give our all to each other (sorry for the soppiness.) So my song for to day is "All of me" by John Legend. I love the lyrics in this especially the backhanded compliment that is the first line " What would I do without your smart mouth..." And i agree completely with the chorus lines;

"'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections..."

This is one of those love songs that shows how times can get hard in a relationship but the couple will fight for their love and become stronger together.

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