Please comment on my posts or message me with your opinions or maybe personal stories I would love to hear from you!
Monday, 15 February 2016
I couldn't be happier :)
Saturday, 30 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 26
Made me smile when my amazon order came with a little card telling me to "have a good day." Such a cute card going to put it in my purse, heres to many good days :).
My song for today is Olly Murs "Dance with me tonight." Had me dancing in the kitchen while doing the dishes lol.
Friday, 29 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 25
Great film night with my bestie :). We watched some of our old favourates and had a great chat. I will miss her when she goes back to Haven to work.
My song for today is Bruno mars "Count on me."
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 24
Had a great night with my family having a giggle or more like laughong at ourselves haha. It happens a lot. Also had a great night at guides again practicing a way cool Easter play writen by me very late last night. So that is why there are a few spelling errors woops haha.
My song for the last few days is Avril Lavign "Here's to never growing up."
Sunday, 24 January 2016
100 days of happy. New plan
Ok so I have skipped a few days but to be honest this is feeling like bit of a chore. So I have decided may not post everyday anymore but I will still do 100 post.
I am starting to see the happiness in everyday but writing about it was getting hard as happy often means busy.
Saturday, 23 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 23
Friday, 22 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 22
Thursday, 21 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 21
I got a very happy blast from the past today when I went to watch Hairspray, with the guides, such a good film. The first time it was out i was a teenager and went to see it three times. The second and third time we practically had a party in the cinema dancing and singing along. Such a good memory and I made new Hairspray memories today. I also think I proved I can be a great and responsible guide leader as I was kind of put in charge and did amazing at it (meaning I didnt loose any of them haha.)
My song for today is from Hairspray "You can't stop the beat." It has to be my favourate song from the film and I am still singing it to myself now. This song always cheers me up and makes me dance like a mad woman. Loving life!!
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 20
Spontaneously stayed at my boyfriends tonight after a brillant birthday celebration for him. He loved his presents and enjoyed his birthday meal with suprise birthday donut (because he doesn't like cakes) and embrassing singing :).
My song for today is "Happy birthday" or rather the version that goes "it's your birthday didy dum didy dee singing do I didy didy dum didy dee." I am unsure on the singer or writer of this song!
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 19
I had a great night at the guide group I help with tonight. The guides were all very excited to plan a Easter play idea I had and they all got involved making props and giving me lots of great ideas. I am so glad they are on-board with this idea and I think I will have a lot of fun creating this play with them.
Todays song I have chosen because I have been noticing how those around me and often myself are hard on ourselves over small failures or mistakes. These so called mistakes often aren't as bad as we think but we make it feel massive and let it bring us down. The song is "Don't be so hard on yourself" by Jess Glynne. These lyrics really speak to me and describe the bad habbit my friends and me need to get out of:
"Don't be so hard on yourself, no
Learn to forgive, learn to let go
Everyone trips, everyone falls
So don't be so hard on yourself, no..."
Monday, 18 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 18
100 days of happy. Day 17
My happy song is Bruno Mars "Locked out of Heaven."
Saturday, 16 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 16
Had a great chat to an amazing friend who lives in Ireland so I don't get to see her as much as I would like to. Today we chatted on facebook and had such a giggle. Me and some other friends are planning to go and visist her soon and I can't wait!!! :)
My song for today is David Bowie "Changes." <3
Friday, 15 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 15
My song for today is Taylor Swift "Shake it off."
Thursday, 14 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 14
Enjoying some me time wraped up in my quilt on the couch watching a great musical Les Miserables.
My song for today i actually coud not hear at first as they only played the vodeo with no sound in the gym. But the video made me laugh watch it yourself and see. The song is "Adeventure of a Lifetime" by Coldplay. I listened to the song tonight and has a very chilled out rhythm that is helping me to unwind :). I also love the lyrics; "Everything you want's a dream away..." and "... You make me feel like I'm alive again."
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 13
My happy moment for today is feeling appriciated at work by the staff, children and the parents of the little boy I work woth. I often doudt if I am good at my job and this has given me a great boost of self esteem :).
My song for today is Heather Small "Proud."
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 12
Monday, 11 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 11
Sunday, 10 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 10
Today a person has made me so happy. My boyfriend who is like my bestfriend as well. He is always there for me even if its just to make me giggle when i feel crapy and today he has been amazing!! :D
My song for today is Bruno Mars "Count on me." Because I know I can always count on him.
Saturday, 9 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 9
Having a great day out with friends shopping in the day and now drinks and food at my boyfriend's local :). Treating myself a little (only a little hehe)!
My song for today is Lady Gaga "Born this way."
Friday, 8 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 8
Work was great today I feel the new team is geling really well and although it can be stressful I do enjoy my job :).
My happy song for today is Rhianna "Cheers (drink to that)" heres to the weekend!
Thursday, 7 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 7
Wednesday, 6 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 6
This moment was a laugh out loud moment. In assembly today the teachers were all given an instrument or they brought one to join in with the singing. I was given a homemade shaker which I played with style. One of the female teachers brought the oldest tuba I have ever seen. When we started singing she let out the strangest toots and I burst out laughing. Teachers and children could hardly sing through the laughter!!
My song for today I think is quite fitting (if only i took my trumpet in) is Rizzle Kicks "Down With the Trumpets." I love to dance around and sing to the chorus of this tune :).
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 5
My happy thing for today is finding my motivation again. Today I used a very thoughtful Christmas gift my friend gave me to get me back on the fitness wagon. She gave me a vocher for 2 weeks free membership at her gym which I started today. I had a great induction session and I've got another session tomorrow after work to chat with a trainer more and make a workout programme. I'm feeling very excited to continue my fight 4 fitness this year, I am determined this will be my year. Got my eye on the prize and I am ready to fight for it.
Keeping in this fighting spirit my song today is Surviver "Eye of the Tiger." I am hoping "it's the thrill of the fight" that will help me get fit again!!
Monday, 4 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 4
Sunday, 3 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 3
Todays happy thing is spending time with those close to me. Wonderfully I have hardly been alone all day. First saw my best friend and her family when we went to watch another great panto in Liverpool. I know, I know I have seen like 20 pantos now (theres no business like show business.) After the panto I had tea with my mum and we had a nice chat and she gave me some good advice. Then as I write this I am watching netflix and chilling with my boyfriend and enjoying my last night before work starts again tomorrow. What more can a girl ask for than good company :).
My song for today may not seem overly happy but it has helped me with an issue I faced today. As most couples do me and my boyfriend sometimes fight, disagree on certain things or even just have misunderstands that become bigger than they should be. But we realise after we talk it through and sort it all out that in the end we love each other and we want to give our all to each other (sorry for the soppiness.) So my song for to day is "All of me" by John Legend. I love the lyrics in this especially the backhanded compliment that is the first line " What would I do without your smart mouth..." And i agree completely with the chorus lines;
"'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections..."
This is one of those love songs that shows how times can get hard in a relationship but the couple will fight for their love and become stronger together.
Saturday, 2 January 2016
100 days of happy. Day 2
Oh What A Night
First of all whenever I host a party or go on a night out I always take lots of selfies. The more I drink the more vain I get (ashamed to say.) These are just a few of the shameful selfies from the last night of last year :). And I have to say in the last one I was in proper photoshoot mode draping my dress to make it look awsome in the pictures lol. This is how I party haha.
Ok but there was other people at my party and they had fun too taking many selfies with me also :). These are my good friends and my big sis who is like my best friend too :D!!
One hghlight of my night was seeing the kindly left selfies on my phone by my best friend. When I next looked at my phone it was filled with phone ambush selfies for which I decided I had to make her an album on my facebook called "The Hall of Selfies" which is full of 21 selfies of my bff from our New Years Eve party.
So we had a good night saying goodbye to 2015 and welcoming in 2016. There was some funny times playing silly games, some crazy dancing and great company. I hope for many more nights like this in 2016.