Saturday, 26 September 2020

Getting well and staying well

My bipolar can be controlled by tablets but it is something I have to live with, try to control and manage everyday like many other people it's a daily battle. I just try to concentrate on one day at a time, live in the moment and not worry to much about the future or regret the past. This can be easier said than done at times.

When I got home from my last hospital stay professionals and my family were happy that I had been well for a good amount of time and was on the road to recovery. I however had my doubts, I was worried about going low and slipped back into the bad habits of my low mood. It was only when I was completely honest and opened up about my worries that I could get others help and advice on how to stay well.

Sometimes I still feel low and unmotivated first thing in the morning: this was the hardest part of the day for me when I was low as I didn't want to face the day ahead.

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