Sunday, 27 September 2020

Make that change... NOW

Too long I have been putting this off, feeling like I am past the point of no return. Waiting til Monday to start the diet again. NO MORE!!!
I am making a change and I am making it now!
I work in a school so last week was half term and its been quite a productive half term too. Been on some killer dog walks (didn't kill the dog just me), I have sorted out an exercise room that I am quite proud of and hope to get a lot of use out of. I've made my normal bike a exercise bike with a stand so I have no weather excuses for not using it. Got a stepper off my mum a while ago which I hope to use more like at all would be a good start. We are also hopping to get a treadmill which is not to be used instead of walking the dog of course. But until then there is plenty of space to dance around like a mad woman and lose weight that way.

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