Friday, 28 February 2020

spreading awareness through my diary

New book idea. Wanted some advice mabye. So if this book is something you would be interested in let me know!

Introduction sentence and disclosure notice for the book. Enjoy and take what you will from it.
Title- My Bipolar Diary


This is my bipolar diary try not to judge but also enjoy.


This diary may not mak a lot of sense to many people but that's kind of, at least part of, the point. Also I have never been one to journal everyday. I journal when I feel like it or when I feel I need to get something out. So these entries are often me at my most emotional, reflective and crazy i mean creative moments. 

So to read on I can only give you this advice: each entry as a seperate, stand alone episode of my life. Manic or low or just in a different mood to 2 seconds ago I will have a completely different perspective and opinion on basically everything. So I basically contradict self all the way through my diary. This also means you don't have to read it in order because each entry although continuing in order that I live do not have much to do with each other.
2.Don't assume what I say and feel in each entry is how I feel or what I want to say about the same topic once my mood changes or once I am no longer in a Bipolar episode.
3.Laugh it's ok I laughed a lot when re-reading this and deciding I had to share it. I am very dramatic, OTT and it can be kind of funny sometimes.
4. Only I can call myself crazy!
5.Enjoy and take what you will from what you read. 

Oh dam was that way too much advice?

Ok so that is all I have for you today but if you like this or if I feel like it I will try to post some examples of my bipolar diary entries.

Thanks for reading.

Ps this was last minute post so no song to finish.

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