Friday, 7 February 2014

Fighting 4 Rosemary Conley Food & Fitness

I am currently a Rosemary Conley member at the early stages of my weight loss. It’s not been plain sailing but it is made a lot easier and more enjoyable with the support of my group. Which anyone in a diet group will emphasise with. 

Rosemary Conley is a unique idea of diet and fitness clubs where franchise's support, motivate and work out with their members to help them get the most benefit out of it. As far as I know no else is doing this!!

As you may already be aware Rosemary Conley food and fitness has gone into early administration but this does not mean the end for her and her clubs. Rosemary Conley is going to fight for her diet to stay running. She has already given us so much but she’s not stopping there!

Rosemary Conley is an inspiration for many people. She defiantly inspires me to keep going and fight 4 fitness. A quote from Rosemary Conley in the Telegraph states “It is tough,” she soothes, “but you can do it. Keep your chin up, breathe – and just keep going.”

She has many words of wisdom and I have read a few of her books which have been very interesting and useful for me. I often think: What Would Rosemary Conley Do (WWRCD). I certainly hope Rosemary Conley comes out of this stronger than ever!

I first thought of making this blog at my club after our instructor, Jane, had just reassured us that the Rosemary Conley team were going to fight for the clubs and diet regime to keep running. Jane had decided that the exercise class that day would be combat and as I watched all the ladies do the different moves in synchronisation and thought it was like we were metaphorically fighting for Rosemary Conley food and fitness. We are a team and we can fight this battle together! Then for the cool down Jane played the song ‘Fly’ by Nicki Minaj Ft Rihanna. The chorus really spoke to me and reflected how I feel Rosemary Conley is fighting for her legacy at the moment. The words are:

“I came to win, to fight,
 to conquer, to thrive,                         
I came to win, to survive,                            
to prosper, to rise,
to fly. ”

I speak for all the member and franchise’s I know we are right behind you Rosemary and we believe you can bring back.

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