Monday, 13 July 2020

🎼Tune for the day 🎵 1🎵

Much like "Thought for the day" I wanted to select a inspirational, helpful or feel good song for each day. I have talked before about how a tune can change a bad mood into a good mood and can make you feel better just by listening to it. Music therapy in away.

NUMBER 1 every girls moto "I want it I got it" go for your goal girls !!!!

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Tell me about it!!!!

Talk, talk and talk some more. Tell someone all about any troubles you have. I know it's cheesy but talking about it really does help, sooooo  much.

I know I post a lot when I am manic but right now I am in the middle. I have just been very depressed and low for 3 weeks and it was horrible. Now I am in the middle not manic but not low anymore. I can talk about things now. I have lots of energy as well though which makes it hard to sit still or sleep. I maybe going manic. Uh oh. High as a kite. Can't cope.

Britain Get Talking is a fabulous T.V. campaign which encourages us to mute the T.V. for a minute to talk to our nearest and dearest. Good honest chat is the medicine. 

My Song for this week is from one very talented you-tuber called Shannon and the songs called two Faced and its how I feel right now in my limbo mood state. Here is the video sorry about the swearing.