Thursday, 31 December 2015

The Rhythm of Life is a powerful beat

In my last post I talked about Mind Over Matter; about how at the moment I feel like my mind isn't in it so its holding me back from my Fight 4 Fitness. I have read things about how music can have a big impact on your frame of mind, it could change your mood and make you feel completely different in an instance. So this is what I am going to explore today on New Years Eve and see how it could shape my 2016. But I don't want to get a whole year ahead of myself so lets start at the beginning.

I have been thinking about how music affects my life and my mood at the moment. Sometimes music can change my mood and describe my mood. When I am in a bad mood I get very good at describing my mood though music. Often I make up short song lyrics which describe how crappy I feel and how everything is getting me down (I'm so not a drama queen.) I sing these songs at these times and all they mainly do it make me feel worse.

On the other hand when I am in a great mood and want to shout it out and share it with everyone I can't think of the words or song lyrics to express it. But there are so many happy songs out there. Songs you can put on for the sole reason to cheer you up; sometimes within a second of them being on I start to smile and jig about a bit. The lyrics of these song talk to me and express the happiness I feel or want to feel more. Feel good songs can change a mood and a lot of the time they make me want to dance (I may look stupid but hey I'm exercising, its a win!!)

Songs can also bring us joy by reminding us of fond memories and as soon as we hear that familiar song we are transported back to that memorable time in our lives. That's what gave me the idea for the name of this blog post. "The Rhythm of Life" is an old song I once danced to in a show when I was very young. Now when I hear this song it makes me feel so happy and makes me what to dance. It reminds me of good memories of my childhood and my love of dancing. I also love the lyrics it describes how music can give that feel good feeling and change your mood as I have been saying. The chorus goes;

"Spread the religion of the rhythm of life.

And the rhythm of life is a powerful beat

Puts a tingle in your fingers and a tingle in your feet

Rhythm on the inside, rhythm on the street

And the rhythm of life is a powerful beat"

I have been trying to get back to my love of dancing and using it as extra exercise by joining a Zumba class. I love the style of Zumba dancing; so fun and energetic and my Zumba teacher makes up really fun moves that makes exercise a breeze; we just dance the calories away. Zumba music is always feel good music and makes me move happily.

So I mentioned the idea of using music to shape my 2016 and now I want to explain how I plan to do it. First of all I had the idea of making me see the good things in life by doing a challenge you may have heard of. It's the 100 days of happy challenge; for which I would put up a mini blog posts describing what has made me feel happy that day or a particularly good highlight of the day. This may help me make a habit of recognising the great things in my life and looking at the positives more. So then I also thought a could post a happy song for the day which may have cheered me up that day or may describe the events of the day. So starting tomorrow Friday 1st January 2016 I am going to do the 100 days of happy moments and music challenge.

Right now I am off to set up my New Years Eve party (might post the photo highlights next year :D.) Got to sort my music playlist too it could really set the mood for the whole night. See you in the New Year have a great night tonight whatever you do.