Sunday, 27 September 2015

Mind before matter!

I have come to realise that the tagline fighting4fitness is not just about what I originally started this blog to achieve. When I started it was because I wanted to lose weight, feel fit and have a bikini beautiful body. I have now realised fighting4fitness is also about being fit in the mind in order to become fit in the body. At the moment my head just is not in it, I need to fix my frame of mind before I can strive for fitness in my life. 
So what am I going to do about it? Well I did a random google search of "getting in the right mindset to loose weight" in an attempt to find at least one source which agreed with my idea of a fit mind = fit body. I found a great looking sight call Weight Loss Resources and an article they have done called "Getting Your Head Straight" by dietitian Lyndel Costain BSc RD. This is the link to the website:

I do like the look of the site and this article makes a lot of sense to me. It starts off with "You no doudt know how to lose weight-eat fewer calories and exercise more and you will see results. You may also have a list of things to change, such as eating more fruit and veg, going for a daily walk or buying low fat options." They say how most people trying to lose weight know this but its not that easy to do and look into why not, what is getting in peoples way?

Then there is a link to "reality check your mindset with the want to lose weight quiz." Which asks you lots of questions about why your losing weight, what it means to you, who your are doing it for and how high your motivation is etc. This then gives you a score to represent your current mindset for loosing weight. My score was 4 which isn't great, here is what the scores mean:

Any score over 7 indicates that you have a positive and realistic mindset towards weight control, and are more likely to succeed long-term. In other words, your head is fairly straight.
If you scored less than 4, its probably not a good time to start until you’ve had a rethink. Your answers also reflect potential stumbling blocks to achieving your goals.
So I think I need some help!! The website has lots of links to get me started and help me out. Phew!! I think this website could help me and hopefully others to get their head into loosing weight and keeping it off. The slogan for the site is "Fad Free Tools For Healthy Weight Loss." Well that ticks all my boxes.

Obviously its to do with my current lifestyle as well. I have been quite stressed lately with work being a new fast paced environment and all i want to do after is eat and sleep. Also my motivation comes in spurts. For a couple of weeks I would be really motivated; writing down plans to lose weight, exercising, eating well (not even craving chocolate) and writing millions of blog ideas. But then suddenly that all changes chocolate seems to be my best friend, exercise is beaten by T.V. and takeout and I don't feel like blogging about my current failure. This has been my cycle for the last year but I am here to try and break it.  

I want to make more time for me and do more of the things that make me happy. I know the things that make me happy, to name a few; listening to music, riding my bike (which is also good diet wise, BONUS!), being with or talking to my close friends, family and my boyfriend and making a picture book of great memories as well as striving to make more great memories. Life's looking up at the moment but when its not I need to look at this list and do these things more. Hopefully a happy mindset can be my key to staying on track. 

I think music can be a big mood changer and listening to one of your fave feel good songs can really lift your mood. My next post is going to be based on this idea so before I leave you today I want to share a song that always cheers me up from the very start with some little dudes that make me smile. A Happy mind could be the first step to being Happy with my body and that's my song of choice.